Nothing excites me more than putting together a squeaky new website or redesigning one that needs a little freshening up. A well designed and functional website is the most important part of your digital marketing. Your website is your platform. You own every connection you make there. As social media grows it’s important to remember that they are only supplements to the original digital marketing platform. Websites are quoted individually based on client needs.
Single Page Micro Site
A single page with a contact formSingle Page Micro Site
Starts around $1,200
Request A Quote
Standard Website
Four pages with a contact formBasic eCommerce Website
Standard website + basic ecommerce functionalityWebsite Maintenance Plan Options
Billed Hourly
- minimum one hour charge
- as requested maintenance
Quarterly Plan Most Popular
- $62 / month
- once weekly maintenance
- 3 hours total over 3 months
- Annual $80 hosting fee waived
Annual Plan Best Value
- $57 / month
- once weekly maintenance
- 12 hours total over 12 months
- Annual $80 hosting fee waived
Plan Features
Reliable Backups
Automatic backups securely stored off-site.
Malware Scans
Quick scan every day, and a full scan every 72 hours.
Regular Updates
WordPress core, plugin and theme updates performed weekly.
Covered Repairs
Repairs due to issues that may arise during regular updates and one malware cleaning a year … just in case.
Website maintenance outside of a plan is billed at my regular hourly rate with a minimum hour charge per request. Hourly requests do not include off-site backup storage, malware scans or repairs. Customized maintenance plans are available. Please contact me to discuss your maintenance project and get a quote.