We all know that you can grow your email list by collecting emails. But, how do you do that?

Email marketing does not have to be a mystery. As someone who’s been working on her email list for years, I understand. It can be challenging and feel discouraging. But, I’m here to help. Here are five places you can collect email addresses to grow your email list. 

  1. Landing Page

    Create a page specifically for the purpose of collecting email addresses. Offer a free consultation, a download or some other freebie that they might exchange their email for. Make it valuable enough to peak their interest, but obviously not so valuable that they don’t have to purchase the actual product or service.

  2. Facebook

    Mailchimp allows you to display a signup form directly on your Facebook page. All you have to do is connect your account, create the form and then name and display the tab on your Facebook page. You can learn more about how to do that here.

  3. Blog Post

    You can collect email addresses on individual blog posts. I use Avada Forms that allows me to do this anywhere on my site.

    You can ask for email addresses simply to keep in touch, but you can also make this trade more appealing by offering a download or other freebie relevant to your post. I do this quite often.

  4. Contact Page

    You can integrate your email marketing software with any of your contact forms and have those emails automatically added to your list when someone fills out that form. Just make sure you add that check box or a notice that informs them that you will save their email address.

  5. In Person

    Last, but not least, print a neat form (or use a spiral notebook for all I care) and set it up at your store counter, event booth or anywhere you interact with your customers in person. Let them know how you will use their email address and what kinds of things they’ll get in their inbox.

    You will obviously have to add these addresses to your email marketing software manually, but that’s a small price to pay for verified email leads.

You’ve got all these email addresses. Now what?

This is a whole other post, but in short you should plan out your email content based on your brand messaging. Keep your content consistent and valuable. You are not just trying to sell these people. Some of my favorite emails don’t ever ask me to buy anything. They simply connect and offer knowledge or insight from the author. I value those connections and I know they do as well because they keep sending them.

If you need help improving your email marketing or getting it up and running you can schedule a free consultation or email me to chat about it.