“Who Are Your Customers?”
Seth Godin asked this question in this blog entry. Spoiler, it is not “Who ever pays me money.”
I thought I would share my answers to Seth’s questions and give you some insight into who my customers are. I would also encourage you to find out who your customers are. Just read through and find out how you can start fleshing out who your customers are. It’s a great way to improve your brand voice and your marketing right away.
What do they believe?
My customers believe in living life to it’s fullest, fighting for what they are passionate about, and working hard to make their dreams come true.
Who do they trust?
My customers trust professionals who have proved themselves experts in their field. They trust in their higher power, their intuition and their freelancer.
What are they afraid of and who do they love?
Like most humans, my customers fear death, failure, and loss. They love their families and themselves as well as what they do.
What are they seeking?
They are seeking peace, clarity, fortune, love, creative outlet, adventure and connection.
Who are their friends?
Fellow entrepreneurs, business owners, creative people, spiritual people, moms, dads, ordinary people like you and me.
What do they talk about?
They talk about their business, their children, their struggles and accomplishments. They share their dreams, goals and fears.
Find out who your customers are.
I’ve developed a simple, common sense tool to help you define your audience. Your audience isn’t just an age, income level and education level. In order to speak to them effectively, you have to try and understand them on a personal level. Whether you’re a B2B business or you directly serve the consumer. I believe that developing customer avatars is important.
If you’d like to create a few of your own you can click here to read more about customer avatars and download my worksheet. I challenge you to develop at least three avatars. I think you’ll find that your messaging will improve and you’ll be able to focus your marketing for your different audiences more effectively.
And hey! If you’re curious, you can read what my clients think of me right over here.